Individual Player Registration Form Thank you for your interest in registering with In 2 Touch. Please fill out the following form. The more accurately you fill out this form the easier it will be for us to find a team that suits your requirements. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. Your first name * Your last name * Your gender Select a genderMaleFemaleNon-binaryGender diversePrefer not to say Your date of birth * (dd/mm/yyyy) Your email address * Password * Confirm password * Your mobile number * (Numbers and spaces only) Your home number Your work number Your home address Line 1 *: Line 2 : Postcode *: What is your nationality? Select your nationalityAustralianEnglishIrishNew ZealanderScottishSouth AfricanWelshOther Would you like to join the In 2 Touch ringer database? YesNo Individual teams may be put together for the venue(s) you have chosen - please do note there are no guarantees of this happening but we will of course contact you should teams require players. Please indicate at which venues you would like to play * 2025 In2Touch Social World Cup Bath Birmingham LocationCanterbury LocationChesham/Mid Bucks LocationChiswick RFC Clapham Common LocationFree Taster Sessions Guildford RFC Horsham Hyde Park Individuals Junior Touch - Leamington Spa LocationJunior Touch Cup 'North'- Leeds LocationLeamington Spa LocationMaidenhead LocationManchester- Didsbury/BURNAGE RFC LocationManchester-Altrincham LocationNewcastle - Whitley Bay LocationNorth Manchester LocationOxford LocationOxford Rugby Club Putney / Wandsworth Reading LocationReferees Training & Courses Southampton LocationSurrey Quays / Canada Water Tooting Bec Athletics Track Tooting Common Wallingford LocationWomens Training Game Please indicate which days you would be available to play * MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Are you interested in paid refereeing? YesNo If you are interested in refereeing, tell us about your qualifications : Marketing Consents : From time to time we would like to send you offers and info about our leagues, bookings and events. You can opt out of these communications at any time, but if you would prefer not to receive any of these communications, please tick below: Please do not send me offers and information about leagues, bookings and events via: Email SMS I have read the privacy policy and agree to the Terms and Conditions.